
2022 Huien Metal Products Co., Ltd. Building Team Activities

2022-09-09 17:07:03

On August 30, 2022, in order to adjust work pressure and create a working atmosphere of passion, responsibility and happiness, so that everyone can better devote themselves to the next work. On the occasion of the “Mid-Autumn Festival”, Huien Company specially organized and arranged the Ministry of Trade to carry out a group building activity of “cohesion, not forgetting the original intention”, which aims to enrich employees’ spare time life, further strengthen team cohesion, and enhance teamwork. The ability to unite and cooperate to better serve customers.

The company has prepared a lot of rich food for everyone. Everyone present is full of food and feasts ^_^. The scene is warm and harmonious. Everyone cooperates and helps each other.

After filling our stomachs, we started the game session. Everyone participated enthusiastically and was full of passion. The scene was full of laughter and many prizes. 

Hope this activities will be more and more in the soon future!

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